If invited, Atha Ogah Wedding Present at KD-Raul

Noor Silvalay Athalia, asserted not ever want to meet with Krisdayanti (KD). If invited to the wedding KD and Raul was, he refused to attend. JAKARTA - Silvalay Noor Athalia, asserted not ever want to meet with Krisdayanti (KD). If invited to the wedding KD and Raul was, he refused to attend.

"Nah come. Why I came, I told you I want to see KD baseball," said Atha when contacted by reporters on Thursday (07/08/2010) night.

Since infidelity Raul Lemos and KD uncovered, Atha had never even met the singer of Counting the Days.

"Nah never at all. I'll never say, I was baseball going to see him at all," he said.

Atha heartened to keep in touch with the father of these children. "But just what business KD? If the same Raulnya baseball does nothing," he said.

During the divorce process is still running, even if Raul has not come to ask for blessing to marry KD. During this time they met only talk about her children alone.

"He has never told me. She's never said at all, and baseball ngobrolin at all," he concluded.

Reportedly Raul and Kris Kristofferson will be married in February 2011. To this day KD choose silent when asked about marriage.

KD Family still waiting for the divorce papers assert Raul Lemos. While the court decision for divorce Raul and Atha scheduled on December 21, 2010.


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