If marries Raul, KD Reproduction MOLESTER Again

Krisdayanti (KD) received a special message from Roro Rahmawati, women who had clashed with KD in the case of a babysitter. KD prohibited from cheating again if already married with Raul Lemos.

"Even if later married to Raul, KD asked not to cheat again," Roro messages found in Blok M Square, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (07/10/2010).

Roro did not want to interfere in personal affairs KD. "That was her life's journey. But as a fellow woman, I just told him to just get married quickly," he said.

Women newly released sixth album was criticized the steps that are too quick to announce KD will marry Raul, but Raul still a husband Silvalay Noor Athalia (Atha).

"Do not go before God. Because the son has not been divorced, but was willing to marry fanfare. So, finish first divorce deh," he said.

Suspected KD and Raul will be married in February 2011. According to attorney KD, Elsie Lontoh, KD ready-made wedding dress. Currently, KD and his extended family live just waiting for Raul to pocket the divorce papers.


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