Power Lines in Start Wasior Corrected

Wasior: Wasior causing floods in the Capital District facilities and prasaranadi Wondama Bay, West Papua completely destroyed. A number of buildings were destroyed and crippled power grid. As a result, Wasior until Saturday night as the city that is not populated. PLN Manokwari Branch continues to try to fix it.

There's hardly a complete electrical facilities in Wasior. Poles and electric substations destroyed by a devastating flood hit on Monday (4 / 10) at 08.30 pm. The power cord too much is lost or broken.

Although severely damaged electricity, life is still running. PLN plans to clean the office of PLN Wasior which was destroyed in two days, and repair power lines that collapsed.

If nothing gets in the way that the company next week will operate an emergency diesel to illuminate parts of Wasior.

"Two days, three days clean, this week hopefully this system can go. Market, the airport, no network at all, toward the north," said Daniel PLN official.

Wasior part most likely to be installed electricity is part of the south. This is because the damage in that region is not too severe compared to other regions. Conversely, the area that was badly damaged electricity network that is part of North Wasior, so it takes longer to fix the network before electricity.


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